How to Build a Sustainable Wardrobe for Your Child

How to Build a Sustainable Wardrobe for Your Child

Why and How to do a Toy Rotation

Why and How to do a Toy Rotation

Kick start your sustainable new year!

Kick start your sustainable new year!

Celebrating the Holidays with Your Little One

Celebrating the Holidays with Your Little One

The Importance of Shopping small and local businesses this holiday season

The Importance of Shopping small and local businesses this holiday season

Indoor Adventures: Keeping Preschoolers Entertained During Half-Term Break

Indoor Adventures: Keeping Preschoolers Entertained During Half-Term Break

How can we bring mindfulness into our daily lives?

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s Day! Although Valentine’s Day may have become a very commercial affair I think it is a beautiful opportunity to check in with ourselves and see how much love we are showing ourselves. It can sometimes feel easier to show love to those around us so what would it be like if you were to show yourself that same love? Is there something you could do for yourself today that you would encourage your kids to do to each other? Just something to think about before we dive into all things mindfulness! 

If you have any questions for Katie, we would love to hear from you. Please leave your questions in the comments and we will do our best to answer them.

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Introducing Mindfulness with Katie
Katie McGreal is the founder of Solas Relaxation, a mindfulness and relaxation company. Solas Relaxation provides relaxation and mindfulness classes for children and adults. They teach Relax Kids classes in their classes for children under 12 years old.  Katie started the company in 2014 when she started teaching Relax Kids classes to children in Belfast. After that she trained with the UK based organisation, Breathworks and now teaches 8 week mindfulness courses for adults entitled Mindfulness for Stress and Mindfulness for Health. She also facilitates weekly mindfulness practice classes for adults.
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Book of the Month: The Lovely Haze of Baby Days with a special interview with the author
Earlier this month we had the privilege of interviewing Lindsay Kellar-Madsen, author of The Lovely Haze of Baby Days and to participate in her virtual book tour. We loved The Lovely Haze of Baby Days because it felt like an honest take on early motherhood. It was such a treat to get to speak with Lindsay to learn more about the process for her. 
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DIY Bath Bombs
It is winter outside and we are still in the mists of lockdown #3 in the UK. With so many people stuck inside with their little ones, we've decided to start this series of craft and cooking ideas to keep you and the kiddos entertained. 
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